The biggest dog in the world!
Our co-founders, Patrick and Stephen,own a beautiful gentle-giant Irish Wolfhound called Seamus (the Irish for James). At 205 pounds he is possibly the biggest dog in Ireland, maybe the biggest dog in the world!

Seamus is loved, and photographed, by hundreds of our tour guests
All our tours on the 'south by south-west'series stay at beautiful Milltown House on Dingle Harbour.
One of the highlights of our stay at Milltown House is to be greeted by Seamus. It is as if he is trained to walk up to our groups, sniff them out, and casually turn and in a noble fashion lead them into the welcoming check-in desk!
Our Irish wolfhound may be the most photographed dog around, our tour members love posing with him and trying to explain to friends and family back home just how enormous he is.